2.4mR North American Championship 2017 at PCYC Report

by Alain Dubuc

For a second year in a row, the Pointe Claire Yacht Club was pleased to hold the 2.4mR North American Championships which took place on August 11, 12 and 13.

We had planned for three days of racing, three rather than two in the hopes of getting at least one good day of sailing, which we ended up having. No wind on Friday, no wind on Saturday, a lot of getting in and out of the water, and finally, we got some nice wind on Sunday to the great relief of your humble servant and 22 attendees.

The committee boat was led by the great Madeleine Palfreeman, certified race officer, assisted by a team of experienced volunteers from the Yacht Club.

On Sunday morning, between 10 am and 2 pm, Madeleine was able to conduct a series of 4 races in winds going from low to medium.

To nobody’s great surprise, paralympian Dee Smith won it all, followed closely by Darrell Suderman and Allan Leibel, three excellent sailors. Finally, I hope that everyone was satisfied with the way things played out. The next time we meet will be at the Canadian Championships in Toronto mid-September. The fleet will then head down to Florida for a long winter series called CanAm.

The 2.4 fleet is doing very well and is in full growth all across North America. In August 2018, I hope to be able to organize this event again, on the same date. Probably the Canadian championships. Save the date!

Thank you and see you soon.

Sadly, all PCYC results have been discarded prior to 2020.

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