Last summer I decided to put a 1997 Riverside Marine-built 2.4mR on the market. I purchased it a number of years ago as a second boat for sailors in our club who expressed an interest in the class but were not ready to make the commitment to buy their own. I used the boat during COVID when my boat and trailer were stuck in Florida. The boat has ISAF sticker # 48. It is an early Norlin Mark 3.
The purchaser was Stéphane Joubert, a skilled craftsman who had rebuilt a few sail boats in the past. Stéphane had contacted the class through our website and drove down from Mirabel QC to check out the boat and go for a sail at Nepean Sailing Club. It was love at first sight and he purchased the boat and towed it home immediately.
This summer Stéphane brought his boat back to Nepean Sailing Club for a “give it a try” Saturday. I was impressed with the repairs and upgrades that he did himself over the past twelve months. Stéphane provided me with some pictures of the significant things that he did. Stéphane is a recreational sailor and not a racer and usually sails independently, so some of his adaptations are not suitable for competitive sailors.
The first picture shows the original with both tiller steering and foot pedals, a manual pump on the steering post and a very disorganized dashboard. The tiller steering has been removed, the manual pump has been replaced with a pump in the floor board and the dash board has been replaced with a clear acrylic dashboard. The cleats have been mounted in a more organized layout. Stéphane made a new splash board and a collar for the mast opening. Small Harken turning blocks and cleats for the pole hoist and main sail cunningham are mounted on the deck. The cockpit was sprayed with epoxy paint and the seat was rebuilt. The hull was buffed and polished.
The original Riverside Marine 2.4mR had two small through deck bushings for adjustable forestay and jib Cunningham. The ropes chaffed through the fittings and the bushings allowed water into the bow compartment. Newer boats replaced this with a small stainless steel channel. Stéphane made his own fitting from an aluminum channel and added a small strap to protect the bow from dock collisions. He re-sealed the inspection port to give access to the bow area.
The battery for the original electric bilge pump was located on a tray behind the seat instead of in the bilge (as the newer boats are configured). Stéphane replaced the tray with a watertight container that he mounted behind the seat. All the plugs are water resistant.
Stéphane has also installed netting between the dashboard and the front bulk head to store personal items he takes with him while sailing.
I have discussed with Stéphane some additional things to optimize his boat. He has 165 Kilos of ballast in his lead keel weights. The next step will be to weigh the boat in accordance to class rules to see if he can add additional ballast to get the all up boat weight closer to 254 Kilograms and the keel ballast weight closer to 181 kilograms.
Finally we are encouraging Stéphane to try racing with our fleet. He now has a great looking boat which is worth a lot more than his initial outlay.
Royal Victoria Yacht Club, Victoria BC 10-12 September 2021
We did it! We actually managed to host a championship regatta, the first held one at RVicYC since the pandemic began in March 2020. So on behalf of the organising committee we’d like to start by thanking club staff, our volunteers, supporters, sailors, coaches, race committee, jury and especially our visiting teams for making the huge effort required to come to this beautiful bay and sail.
There were many moments during the planning stages when we wondered if this would ever happen, with constant pivoting, adjusting, organising and re-organising. However when our visiting sailors from Saskatchewan, Alberta, Ontario and Seattle finally drove down onto the foreshore with their boats, we knew we had a regatta.
The racing itself was tight, varied, challenging, exciting and eventful. Friday dawned bright and clear with very light wind from the SE and Race Officer John Abel ran two races in the bay before we felt the warmth of the westerly and moved out into Oak Bay for two more in the breeze, with enough waves to surf downwind. Visiting sailors were heard whooping with delight! Unfortunately on Saturday it was wet and windless all day and we only succeeded in filling up our bilges with rainwater. However this did give us precious time to reconnect with our much-missed sailing community (and a bit of boat fixing). On Sunday the there was a battle between a SE wind and the westerly, causing much moving of committee boats, resetting of marks and radio chatter. We sailed three races in very varied conditions with plenty of ladder climbing, sliding down snakes and all types of spinning.
In the end, however, the biggest battle was for the championship, with Bruce Millar and Bob Britten duking it out right up until the final leg, with Bruce winning on a tie-breaker. Louise Anstey completed the podium with her third place. In the disabled event Bruce was winner with Jackie Gay second and Peter Eager third. It is heartening to note that of 21 boats, 11 were disabled sailors and seven were women. Truly inclusive sailing of the highest calibre.
It is exciting to see our young sailors mixing it up with this highly experienced fleet. All the sailors had great moments and huge learning opportunities. Bring on the next one!
The Victoria Fleet held its socially distanced Fleet Championship on September 19-20. On Saturday, the fleet enjoyed a 5-7 kt S breeze that shifted through the day towards the SW. Sunday offered a lighter ESE wind with fog to obscure the weather mark in the first two races. A new experience for this 2.4 fleet! When turning downwind from the weather mark, it was the same problem: where is the leeward mark? Well…..just picked an appropriate wind angle, set the jib and soon the start boat came into view.
Fleet members’ comments described the weekend very nicely, so here are a few of them.
From Mark Brown – Great Regatta, 10 challenging races, nobody “walked away” with the races, a competitive fleet, and no collisions or protests. Hard to best that outcome. We are lucky to have such competent and generous members of our fleet and club.
From Bob Britten – What a super way to wind up our summer of sailing!
To say that the conditions were challenging is an understatement – by the end of several races I felt “brain dead” – but overall I had a super time! Simply fantastic one-design racing! Thanks very muchto Bruce Millar and Louise Anstey for organizing the weekend and, of course, to Kirk Palmer, Dave Richardson, Ken Pohl and Tim Knight for giving up their weekend so that we could have fun during ours!
To summarize the event, Doug Bell writes: Such a pleasure to sail in our fleet. Competitive but friendly, respectful, helpful and fun.
Final result: 1st Bruce Millar, 2nd Louise Anstey, 3rd Bob Britten winning a tie breaker over Doug Bell
Victoria 2020 Fleet Champion, Bruce Millar, holding the Chatham Island Trophy (COVID model)
Victoria 2.4 Fleet waiting out the COVID crisis on a beautiful spring day. We look forward to the time when we all can climb into our boats to go sailing together! But when? Although the number of new cases is declining in BC, we expect it will be many weeks before health authorities give us more freedom to socialize.