To Canadian 2.4mR Members and Non-Members,
Notice of Annual Meeting
Note: Traditionally, the Annual Meeting of the Canadian 2.4mR Class Association has been
held at a time and place in conjunction with the annual Canadian 2.4mR Class Championship.
However, after the success of a virtual (Zoom) meeting last year, it became apparent that it was important that all our members be given the opportunity to attend the Annual General
Meeting, not just those who are at the Canadian Championship.
Date and Time: The meeting will take place Thursday November 18, 2021 at 7:30pm Eastern Time (4:30pm Pacific Time)
Who can attend? Members who have paid their 2021-2022 Class membership dues by
November 8, 2021 can attend and vote on any resolutions and election of officers for 2022.
Non-Members, including boat owners who have not paid their 2021-2022 Class membership dues by November 8, 2021, can attend as observers and may be invited to participate in the discussion, but will not be able to vote on resolutions and election.
How to Attend: A link to the Zoom Meeting website will be provided along with
Association financial statements on or before November 11, 2021 to Members. Non-Members may register for the AGM, if they have not received the invite, by sending a request to [at][dot] .
1. Reports from the Fleets (three minutes each maximum please)
2. Report from the President
3. Report from the Class Secretary
4. Report from the Treasurer including Class Financial Statements January 1, 2020 – March 31, 2021 and Interim Class Financial Statements April 1 – September 30, 2021
a) proposal for 2022 Class Membership dues
5. Report from the National Measurer
6. Report of the Web Master
7. International Class Association Activities
8. Date for a Regatta Scheduling Meeting to be held in the Winter
9. Requests for proposals to host the 2022 Canadian 2.4mR Championship
10. 2022 North America 2.4mR Championships (whose turn Canada or USA?)
11. Election (appointment) of Officers (President, Secretary-Treasurer, Chief Measurer, Web Master)
12. Other Business
a) Any other business brought forwardBrian Robinson
Canadian 2.4mR Class Secretary
Canadian 2.4mR Class Association
e-mail: [at][dot]