Canada lowers the boom at Edge Midwinters

Performance Sailor
Canada lowers the boom at Edge Midwinters

MidwintersTalent will eventually reveal itself. Bruce Millar, a Canadian Paralympics sailor has been working with Edge Sailing on a new jib boom and jib configuration. This month it seemed to hit a new level. Bruce took his modified 2.4 meter with a jib boom out and won the Edge Midwinters. Read More

2.4mR Canadian Championship 2021

Dear sailors!
Save the Dates: 2.4mR Canadian Championship 2021, Royal Victoria Yacht Club, Victoria BC
Racing: 10th – 12th September 2021
Training: 8th & 9th September 2021
Here at Royal Vic the 2.4mR fleet are swinging into action planning the 2021 Canadian Championship in beautiful BC.
Join us for three days of world class racing in Cadboro Bay and Oak Bay against the magnificent backdrop of the Olympic & Cascade mountains.
With our home fleet of 17 boats, racing is guaranteed to be tight, competitive and fun. And there are few places more welcoming and beautiful than fall in Victoria, with perfect temperatures, good winds and (hopefully) clear skies.
Mark your diaries and watch this space for regular updates.
Jackie Gay
CAN 23
2.4mR Sailboat in Cadboro Bay