President’s Report February 2021

It’s already a new year and much has happened over the past two months. Brian Robinson has settled in as our new class secretary and will be sending out class membership dues reminders in the next few weeks. The good news is that, as voted on at the AGM. we have cut the dues from $ 50.00 per year for boat owners and those who regularly sail in the class to $ 40.00 per year. We have also added a new membership category for non-boat owners who wish to support the objectives of the class. The cost for this membership is $ 20.00 annually. Our membership year is April 1 to March 31 of the following year. Membership can be renewed on our website shortly (look for the Membership Dues 2021 renewal link).

The class had a very successful national Regatta Scheduling ZOOM meeting in mid-January. The representatives of the various fleets provided their schedules and a national schedule is now posted on the Class website. As travel restrictions may impact the schedule, anyone planning to attend an event from out-of-town should let the respective regatta organizers know of their travel plans four weeks before the scheduled dates of the event. Likewise, competitors should regularly check the website to confirm that the event has not been postponed or cancelled.

On a positive note, the first two events of the 2020 – 2021 CAN AM Winter Regatta series have been run in Charlotte Harbour, Florida. The Royal Victoria Fleet have been sailing Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, weather permitting. Hopefully, the rest of us will be able to return to some sort of normal once summer begins and we get our vaccinations.

At the International Class, much has been happening. In early January, the National Class Associations received reports from two appointed subcommittees. The One Design Subcommittee report (with two dissenters) strongly endorsed the 2.4mR Norlin M3 OD. It noted that most members of the class sailed the Norlin M3 and made a number of proposals to contract expertise to tighten the OD rules. Both the subcommittee’s report and the report of the members dissenting are available on the International website under “Reports”. The second subcommittee, the Marketing Subcommittee (of which I am a member), has proposed that the International Class improve their communications with the National Class Associations and improve the class website to be more relevant to both current and future members.

In late January 2021, the International 2.4mR Class President Steve Bullmore resigned. A letter from the Vice President Rickard Bjurström clarifying the situation is posted on the International website. At this time, the International 2.4mR Class will be conducting a Special General Meeting as the regular 2020 Annual General Meeting was cancelled because of COVID 19. Included on the Agenda is the election of members for the Executive Committee and the Technical Committee. All the candidates are active 2.4mR sailors and each has provided a resume of their sailing and work experiences. I have asked each of them four questions including what they see as the major issues confronting the class. Their responses to my questions will help me determine for whom we will vote.

The 2021 World Championships and Annual Meeting will be held in Tonsberg, Norway August 7 – 15th. Depending on vaccine rollouts and international travel restrictions, I am still considering attending the event.

I hope all you are in good health. Please feel free to at any time to contact us about any questions that the Canadian 2.4mR Class Association may be able to address. Our e-mail address is [at][dot].

Peter Wood
CAN 14