Independence Cup/US Para Sailing Championship 2019

All 2.4 mR sailors:
Please note that Tony Pocklington will bring 2.4mR’s to Chicago for the Independence Cup/US Para Sailing Championship.  Please note: The Independence Cup 2.4mR singlehanded class race is an open event, with able-bodied invited to compete with sailors with disabilities.  The US Para Sailing Championship is not an open event.  
JGASF has four 2.4mR’s available at no cost.  At this writing, three boats are registered.  If you plan to enter and are looking for a boat or have questions, please contact either Tony Pocklington [at][dot] or our office [at][dot] ) 
Learn more about this regatta by reading the NOR and the Regatta Facts documents when you view the Judd Goldman Adaptive Sailing Foundation website and go to “Register Now
  • 4-Star Hotel with accessible rooms (Palmer House)   Hilton
  • Professionally maintained sailboats   JGASF
  • Race Clinic and Coaches   JGASF
  • Gala, BBQ and much more
  • Ground Transportation    Cook-Illinois Corp.

(All provided at no charge!)

Be our guest for a Fantastic Weekend of Racing, Food and Fun!

2.4mR 2019 North American Championship Update May 2019

Dear 2.4 Sailors,

Kingston Yacht Club is looking forward to welcoming you all in July for the North American Championships. We have a great venue, and the food, entertainment, and swag will be awesome.

In the run up to the regatta, I am creating a report featuring some of the sailors. I have contacted a few of you already, but I would be grateful if you could (unless you have already done so) fill in the brief questionnaire below and send it back to me, along with a photo

Year started in the 2.4:
Major wins or accomplishments:
Home club/city:
Why I sail/love a 2.4:
What I do when not sailing (ie work or whatever)::

The NOR and registration form are on the Canadian class web site:

Everyone please be aware that the NOR will have a change to include the information required as part of the CAN-AM North series.

Thanks for your help. I really look forward to hearing from you all!
