Clinic, Western Hemisphere Championship and CanAm#4

Next week we will be having a Clinic, Western Hemisphere Championship and CanAm#4.

We have also arranged with Gene Hinkel to do some boat weighing, sail measurement and float testing.

If your boat is in Charlotte Harbor, and you are not able to be there, but you would like your boat weighed and/or float tested (ie your float certificate is over or nearing five years old or you do not have one) please let Tim Ripley  know so he can add your boat to the queue.   While they cannot guarantee all boats will be float tested, they will do their best.

2018 Frozen Assets Regatta Results

Royal Victoria Yacht Club, Ripon Road, Victoria, BC, Canada

Feb 10, 2018 – Feb 12, 2018

Position Sail Number Sailor(s) Boat Name/Club Points R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8

CAN 23

Jackie Gay


Royal Victoria Yacht Club

11 2 1 1 1 1 3 (5) 2

CAN 99

Delani Hulme-Lawrence

Royal Victoria Yacht Club

16 1 3 2 3 2 1 (4) 4


Stacie Louttit

You bet


16 3 2 4 2 (5) 2 2 1

CAN 50

Glenn Wright


30 (6) 6 6 5 3 6 1 3

CAN 05

Bob Skinner


31 5 4 3 (6) 6 5 3 5

CAN 81

Rod Mack


32 4 5 5 4 4 4 (6) 6

CAN AM 2.4mR Regatta #3 (Edge Midwinters 2.4mR Regatta)

Last weekend of January was the Edge Midwinters 2.4m regatta hosted by Edge Sailing and Charlotte Harbor YC. Some informal training sessions were held during the weekdays before the regatta including participation by Bjornar Erikstad ( NOR 1 ) before he had to return his boat to the Norwegian Sailing Team container in Miami to return home. Hopefully he can encourage other Europeans to join our winter Can Am 2.4m Regatta Series next fall by shipping their boats to Florida after  the world disabled championship in Sheboygan, Wisconsin in September 2018.

Sailboats at starting line

 With warnings from Regatta chairman Martin Holland, and laughter from the northerners, about the unseasonably cool water ( a bit less than the usual 25° C! ) the regatta got underway with three races in 10 to 20 knot winds. Dee Smith won all three with great battles for the next five positions. Day two was similar wind and wave conditions and current. Alan Leibel moved up with two seconds and the next four of Bruce Millar, Peter Eagar, builder Tony Pocklington and Charles Rosenfield had close racing. The racing was close throughout the fleet which gave lots of action at the marks and finishes. 

Sailboats crossing

Try to join the fleet for the February Can Am #4 regatta as well as the Western Hemisphere 2.4m Regatta and the March 27 training session followed by the Can Am finale Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 28, 29, 30.


For more info & series results to date see :


Contact Martin Holland for more info

Link to more photos:

Photo in 2018 Edge 2.4 Meter Mid Winter Racing January 27-28 – Google Photos


Charlotte Harbor Yacht Club2018 Edge MidWinter Championships ResultsUS 2.4mR Class

Position Sail Club Name Boat Name Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Points
1 USA 7 Stc Smith, Dee 2 for 1 1 1 1 1 1 5.0
2 CAN 8 National YC Leibel, Allan CAN 8 3 2 3 2 3 13.0
3 CAN 39 Royal Victoria Yacht Club Millar, Bruce Life of Brian 2 3 2 6 6 19.0
4 CAN 22 National YC Eagar, Peter CAN 22 5 6 4 3 2 20.0
5 USA 3 CHYC Tony Edge 4 4 7 5 5 25.0
6 USA 142 Sail Newport Rosenfield, Charles 8 5 5 4 4 26.0
7 CAN 68 RVICYC Bell, Doug Dugout 6 8 6 7 9 36.0
8 167 Cyccm Corcoran, Jay fake news 7 7 9 8 7 38.0
9 160 Davis Islands YC Holmberg, Kevin 9 11 11 11 8 50.0
10 11 Ripley, Tim Slackometer 10 9 10 9 12 50.0
11 USA 23 Cyc Seattle Reinhold, Jeffery Gander 11 12 12 12 13 60.0
12 CAN 1 PCYC Dubuc, Alain can 1 25/DNF 10 8 10 10 63.0
13 8 Warrior Sailing Pontes, Rachelle Georgiana 12 25/DNS 25/DNS 14 14 90.0
14 CAN 18 Kingston Kobayashi, Audrey Hiroshi maru 25/DNS 25/DNS 25/DNS 13 11 99.0
15 (Tie) CAN 14 Nepean Sailing Club Wood, Peter Small EXpectations 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 125.0
15 (Tie) CAN 23 RVYC Gay, Jackie TP 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 125.0
15 (Tie) Can 42 NYC Foscarini, Janice Graham The Answer 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 125.0
15 (Tie) 175 Sail Newport Green, Ted Magic Bus 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 125.0
15 (Tie) CAN 2 R Vic YC Anstey, Louise Lisa 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 125.0
15 (Tie) 5 San Diego Yacht Club Altizer, James 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 125.0
15 (Tie) NOR 1 Tonsberg Seilforening Erikstad, Bjornar 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 125.0
15 (Tie) USA 165 Daniel My Dixon’s Cider 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 25/DNC 125.0
167 Cyccm Corcoran, Jay fake news
167 Cyccm Corcoran, Jay fake news