held on 1st July 2017 at Sneek, Netherlands @ 4.00pm
1. Roll Call and to establish a Quorum
A quorum for the 2017 2.4mR ICA Annual General Meeting was established to Constitution 8.4 with the following twelve (12) voting members from three (3) continents in attendance:
Australia Peter Russell 2 votes
Canada Danny McCoy 2 votes
Estonia Anre Nomme 1 vote
Finland Rikard Bjurström 3 votes
France Patrick Cottet-Emard 2 votes
Germany Mathias Kortke 4 votes
Hong Kong Virgile Bertrand 2 votes
Italy Nicole Redavid 3 votes
Netherland Dirk Jan Boertjes 2 votes
Norway Harald Rolfnes 3 votes
Sweden Sven Asklund 3 votes
United Kingdom Megan Pascoe 3 votes
Also present to Constitution 8.1, non-voting:
Pekka Seitola – Treasurer
Heiko Kroger – EC Director
Stellan Berlin – TC Chairman
Keith Gordon – TC Member
Harald Rolfnes _ TC Member
Also present, non-voting:
Steve Bullmore – United Kingdom
Jorge Feder – Germany
Elena Polo – Italy
Proxies by absent NCAs:
Rikard Bjurström was appointed chairman.
Peter Russell was appointed minutes secretary.
2. Setting time limit on speakers and debate
No time limit set, debate to be managed by chairman noting last ferry at 10.00pm.
Voting to be by show of hands except where closed vote requested.
3. 2016 AGM minutes information
The 2016 AGM in Hobart did not proceed due to lack of a quorum. The 2016 AGM was held as an electronic AGM on 15 April 2016. The 2016 AGM minutes have been published on the ICA website.
Matters arising:
Decision to accept 2016 AGM Minutes:
Proposed – United Kingdom; Seconded – Germany, Approved by World Council
4. Reports
Report from the President
The World Council acknowledged the President report and thanked retiring President Bruce Millar – refer Attachment 3.
Report from the Treasurer
The World Council acknowledged the Treasurer’s Report – refer Attachment 4.
The Treasurer noted the reserve balance of 46,527.76 euros. The Treasurer noted the limited expenditure on class development – the World Council agreed that growing the class was the funding priority.
On basis of the report from Auditor dated 27 June 2017, the World Council approved the statements for the fiscal year 2016.
Report from the Auditor
The World Council acknowledged the Audit Report dated 27 June 2017 – refer Attachment 5.
Auditor advice that the ICA reserve balance of 46,527.76 euros at 31.12.2016 is excessive given an annual operating budget of 14,400 euros is noted. Auditor recommendation to set an appropriate reserve target of between six months to two years of operating expenses is noted.
The Executive Committee is to review operational expenses in particular class development options to inform the ICA budget.
Report from the Chairman of the Technical Committee
The World Council acknowledged the Technical Committee report – refer Attachment 6
5. Proposal from the Executive Committee
No new proposals presented.
6. Proposal from the Technical Committee
Some revisions to the 2.4mR and Norlin OD rules are being formulated. World Sailing has re-written the Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS) for 2017-2020. Due to the reallocation and some new definitions the Technical Committee has been re-writing the 2.4mR and Norlin OD Class Rules in order to match these changes from World Sailing. These changes represent housekeeping issues and do not make changes to the rules themselves. Revisions will be distributed at the earliest availability.
Decision to accept Technical Committee proposal:
Proposed – Finland; Seconded – Germany, Approved by World Council
7. Proposals from member NCAs
Proposal from United States of America NCA
Amendment: The USA has provided a further clarification on this matter. It is included here. Some comments were received from the UK and Canada NCA’s in support of this resolution.
Resolution: 1
USA Submission 1 for 2.4mR Constitution
The USA NCA proposes the International 2.4mR Class Association amend the class constitution by adding the following stipulations:
9.6 Executive Committee
8. The Executive Committee (EC) will acknowledge receipt of inquiries presented from any member NCA by adding items to the agenda of the next EC meeting. Feedback regarding resolution, progress, discussion or deferral to another meeting will then be available through the minutes of the EC and posted on the class website as soon as practical.
9.7 Technical Committee
5. The Technical Committee (TC) will acknowledge receipt of inquiries presented from any member NCA by adding items to the agenda of the next TC meeting. Feedback regarding resolution, progress, discussion or deferral to another meeting will then be reported to the EC and available through the minutes of the EC.
NOTE: Based on the feedback received the EC discussed the matter and have decided in addition to putting forward the above proposal for the AGM that it would be a good idea to have a Sailors Forum at the 2017 World Championships. At this forum that EC will outline some future work proposed and the sailors will be given the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback to the EC and TC. The forum will take place following the AGM meeting.
Requirement for timely response to NCA inquiries noted. The Executive Committee is to review communication protocols – the proposed class forum is seen as an important step to improving communication between the Executive Committee and members. Requirement for change to ICA Constitution not supported by World Council.
World Council agreed to not amend Constitution
Four Proposals from France NCA
Amendment: The TC has discussed the proposals submitted by the France NCA and TC has provided their responses after the appropriate resolution.
Resolution: 2
FRA Submission 1 for 2.4mR Class-rules
(a) Not more than 2 mainsails and 3 jibs shall be used during an event of the status National Championship or higher and of less than 8 consecutive days, except when a sail has been lost or damaged beyond repair.
Proposal: C.9.1 LIMITATIONS
(a) Not more than 1 mainsail and 2 jibs shall be used during an event of the status National Championship or higher and of less than 8 consecutive days, except when a sail has been lost or damaged beyond repair.
Argument: Costs of a full set of sails.
Resolution: 3
FRA Submission 2 for 2.4OD Class-rules:
Actual: C.10.2 LIMITATIONS
(a) Not more than 2 main sails and 3 jibs shall be used during an event of the status National Championship or higher and of less than 8 consecutive days, except when a sail has been lost or damaged beyond repair.
Proposal: C.10.2 LIMITATIONS
(a) Not more than 1 main sail and 2 jibs shall be used during an event of the status National Championship or higher and of less than 8 consecutive days, except when a sail has been lost or damaged beyond repair.
Argument: The main objective is to limit costs
TC Comments to Proposed Rule Changes 2017
2.4mR Rule and 2.4 Norlin One Design
Reduce the Number of Sails during an Event to 1 Mainsail and 2 Jibs
The TC recommends the AGM to reject the proposal for the following reason:
The motivation for the change is to reduce cost. However, a thorough analysis and experiences from other classes indicates that it would increase cost.
The sail cost for racing is basically per hour of racing and per start. Alternating between two sails will therefore be the same cost as using one sail, which is replaced twice as often. What is expensive is using a sail dimensioned for light air in strong winds. That sail might be destroyed after one race.
The proposal is based on the idea that a regular sailor would only purchase 1 main and 2 jibs and use those in all conditions and that those sails would be dimensioned to last in most conditions. However, the more ambitious sailor would still purchase the same number of sails as currently, but pick the proper one after looking at the weather forecast before the event. If the weather forecast states light air day 1 and strong wind day 2, the sailor with a large budget will select light sails with all-purpose design and throw them away after day 2. That is not cheaper and does not create more fair sailing.
This way of limiting sails has been used in other classes and proven inefficient and causing increased sail costs. It has been considered to be a better way to limit the number of sails measured for a particular boat during a season. This however causes a lot of administration. Again there is a simple way around for the team with a large budget. That is to purchase 2 boats. You might think that the current sail limitation is there to reduce cost, but that is not the case. It is to limit measurement time during a regatta. Imagine the line to sail measurement if everyone turned up with 10 sails that should have its dimensions properly checked. The current limitation is thought to create enough room to keep costs down and at the same time result in reasonable measurement time.
Requirement to limit competitor costs acknowledged by World Council. Rules enabling competitors to use 2 mainsails and 3 jibs is seen as cost effective with competitors able to use sails to suit racing conditions and therefore maximise sail life. The limit of 2 mainsails and 3 jibs does not impose a requirement on competitors to purchase two sets of sails. Many sailors are noted as using either one set of sails or two set of sails – one new and one old. Reducing the number of sails during an event to 1 mainsail and 2 jibs not supported by World Council.
World Council agreed to not amend Class Rules.
Resolution: 4
FRA Submission 3 for 2.4mR Class-rules
Actual: C.4.1 FOR USE
(a) OPTIONAL (1) One anchor. The weight of anchor and chain shall not exceed 2.00 kg. (2) One electrical pump with battery
C-4-1-(a)-3 SEAT: The “”cockpit chair and its attachments”” is not part of the boat in racing condition. The “”cockpit chair and its attachments”” may or may not in the cockpit in racing. The total weight of the “”cockpit chair and its attachments”” is excluded from the boat weight.
C-4-1-(a)-3-1 Chair (Seat): The “Cockpit-chair” is in direct contact from the thighs up to sailors torso.
C-4-1-(a)-3-2 Attachments:
Attachments : – are an integral part of the “cockpit-chair”, – are the structural parts & fittings of “Cockpit-chair” including the seat-frame and the fasteners to the removable cockpit floor.
C-4-1-(a)-3-4 Materials:
Materials for the “”cockpit-chair and its attachments”” is unrestricted. All parts or accessories of the cockpit-chair permanently attached to any parts of the boat, except those attached to the removable cockpit-floor, must comply with current 2.4 class rules.
C-4-1-(a)-3-5 Construction:
The construction of “”the cockpit-chair and its attachment”” is unrestricted. The Chair (seat) must be fastened only to the removable cockpit-floor. In any case, the “”cockpit-chair and its attachment”” shall not be a structural part of the removable cockpit-floor. It must be fixed on the top of removable cockpit-floor without possibility of any over part of the boat. If not, they must comply with the Class-rules. Its framing-structure could be only in contact of the hull: in width, no more than 200mm from the vertical center-line of the hull; in height, no more than 400mm from the top cockpit floor.
Argument: For the FRA Submission 3 and 4, the Class must not add a disability to a disability.
Resolution: 5
FRA Submission 4 for 2.4OD Class-rules:
Actual : D.6 SEAT
(a) In addition to what is specified in D.2.3 any soft material that does not take up significant amounts of water.
(a)Seat included in boat weight
(1) Construction is optional.
(b) Seat excluded from the boat weight
(1) Construction is optional except for what is given in (3) (2) The total weight of the seat shall exceed 4 kg. (3) When the seat is placed in its position for sailing, the centre of gravity of the seat, shall be located not more than 300mm below the sheer line level measured 1350mm forward of section 0. (4) The approval of the seat shall be marked on it by a class Measurer.
Proposal :
D-6 SEAT (cockpit chair): The “”cockpit chair(seat) and its attachments”” is not part of the boat in racing condition.
The “”cockpit chair and its attachments”” may or may not in the cockpit in racing. The total weight of the “”cockpit chair and its attachments”” is excluded from the boat weight.
D-6-1–A Chair (or Seat) The “Cockpit-chair or seat” is in direct contact from the thighs up to sailor torso
D-6-1–B Attachments:
– are an integral part of the “cockpit-chair”, – are the structural parts & fittings of “Cockpit-chair” including the seat-frame and the fasteners to the removable cockpit floor.
D-6-2 Materials
Materials for the “”cockpit-chair and its attachments”” is unrestricted. All parts or accessories of the cockpit-chair permanently attached to any parts of the boat, except those attached to the removable cockpit-floor, must comply with current 2.4 class rules.
D-6-3 Construction :
The construction of “”the cockpit-chair and its attachment”” is unrestricted. The Chair (seat) must be fastened only to the removable cockpit-floor In any case, the “”cockpit-chair and its attachment”” shall not be a structural part of the removable cockpit-floor. It must be fixed on the top of removable cockpit-floor without possibility of any over part of the boat. If not, they must comply with the Class-rules. Its framing-structure could be only in contact of the hull: in width, no more than 200mm from the vertical center-line of the hull; in height, no more than 400mm from the top cockpit floor.
Argument: For the FRA Submission 3 and 4, the Class must not add a disability to a disability.
TC Comments to Proposed Rule Changes 2017.
2.4mR Rule and 2.4 Norlin One Design
Proposal to Remove the Seat from the Boat Weight in Racing Conditions.
The TC recommends the AGM to reject the proposal for the following reasons:
1) The basic principle of the meter rule is that the boat shall float on the measurement marks when racing. The boat weight is therefore under section C in the rule “when racing”. It shall be easy for a measurer to check this by directly measuring the boat weight after a race. In this situation the arguments regarding what shall be in the boat or not must be minimized.
2) The suggested rule only permits exception for seats attached to the “removable cockpit-floor”. “Removable cockpit-floor” is not defined in the rule. All boats don’t have that part. Many have their seat attached to other parts of the boat. Those arrangements would then have a clear disadvantage and would potentially have to be rebuilt.
3) It is a general problem of defining what a seat is. There are almost as many seating arrangements as there are sailors. This would open up for a huge amount of loop holes in the rule for those that like to optimize their equipment. The difficulty of defining a seat is illustrated by the deficiencies of the suggested formulation listed under 2) above.
4) The motivation for the rule change is to reduce the disadvantage of a disabled sailor that might need a heavy seat. However, there are already 2 present rules to take care of that problem in the one design rule, which is used for disabled sailing, rules D.2.3 (m) and D.6.2.
D2.3 Materials
(m) In case a disabled sailor cannot sail without a specific part, that does not comply with these rules, a dispensation can be given by the ICA.
Sailors use different seats from soft to hard materials and no seat, seat base, seat back, seat base and back to special needs seats. Seat control may create class rule loop holes. Disability is addresses by OD rules D.2.3 (m) and D.6.2. The Technical Committee has given dispensation under OD D.2.3 (m) to two boats to address disability.
The Technical Committee is to review the rules governing seat construction options – carbon fibre or other to address seat weight. Excluding the seat from boat weight is not supported by World Council.
World Council agreed to not amend Class Rules.
8. Presentations of future World and European Championships.
2018 World Championship
Only one bid was submitted for the 2018 World Championship. The bid is from Gävle, Sweden for the event to take place 4 – 10 August 2018. The Executive Committee has accepted and approved it.
2018 European Championship
No 2018 European Championship required as 2018 World Championship is in Europe.
2019 World Championships and beyond
Two countries have forwarded Expression of interest to the class secretary for the 2019 World Championship. They are as follows:
- The Cercle de voile de Bordeaux Carcans in France. This was a site of the 2016 European Championship. No date was specified.
- The USA 2.4mR Class Assoc. in conjunction with Ida Lewis Yacht Club in Newport Rhode Island USA. Proposed dates are September 2019.
Italy expressed interest in applying to host the 2019 World Championship. The proposed date is September 2019. Three venues are under consideration as follows:
- Alassio (near Genova)
- Malcesine (on Garda Lake)
- La Maddalena (in Sardegna)
The World Council supports the Italy bid to host the 2019 World Championship subject to written application being approved by the Executive Committee.
Hong Kong expressed interest in applying to host the 2020 World Championship. The World Council confirmed interest in supporting a bid by Hong Kong, low participation in the 2016 Hobart Worlds was noted as a concern.
Also of mention is a note from Finland regarding interest in hosting the 2023 Worlds. This would be the 100th anniversary of EC member Rikard Bjurstrom’s home club.
9. Elections
Election of President:
There were no nominations received at the deadline (AGM minus 45 days). Danny McCoy (CAN) and Steve Bullmore (GBR) have agreed to run for the position. After a short presentation by both candidates a vote was held.
Steve Bullmore (GBR) elected President by 19 votes to Danny McCoy 11 votes.
Election of TC Member:
Jorg Feder (GER) elected TC Member by unanimous vote.
Election of Auditor:
Stacie Loutit (CAN) elected Auditor by unanimous vote.
Executive Technical Committee Members
Position | Nomination | Nominating NCA | Term (years) and Validity until |
President | Steve Bullmore (GBR) | GBR | 2 years Expires AGM 2019 |
Vice President | Rikard Bjurstrom (FIN) | FIN | 2 years Expires AGM 2018 |
Secretary | Timothy Ripley (USA) | USA | 2 years Expires AGM 2018 |
Treasurer | Pekka Seitola (SWE) | FIN, SWE | 2 years Expires AGM 2018 |
Auditor | Stacie Loutit (CAN) | FIN | 1 year Expires AGM 2018 |
Webmaster | Nisse West (FIN) | EC | As determined by EC |
EC Director | Cor de Graaff (NED) | FIN | 1 year Expires AGM 2018 |
EC Director | Heiko Kroger (GER) | GER, FIN | 1 year Expires AGM 2018 |
TC Chairman | Stellan Berlin (SWE) | FIN, SWE | 2 years Expires AGM 2019 |
TC Member | Jorg Feder (GER) | GBR | 2 years Expires AGM 2019 |
TC Member | Henrik Johsson (SWE) | SWE | 2 years Expires AGM 2018 |
TC Member | Keith Gordon (GBR) | GBR | 2 years Expires AGM 2018 |
TC Member | Harald Rolfsnes (NOR) | NOR | 2 years Expires AGM 2018 |
10. Decisions for the next year’s work and commissions for the EC
Proposals for the work of the EC during 2017
The number of projects remains constant and are being dealt with on and on-going basis. Some of the projects ahead include:
- Work with World Sailing and attend meetings as necessary
- Work to ensure 2.4mR is reinstated as a Paralympic Class
- Continue to ensure that World Championships will be held yearly
- Continue constitution updates
- Update Templates for NOR, SI and RMM
- Further work with NCA’s to promote 2.4mR’s
- Find additional personal to help run the ICA
- Continue to refine the 2.4mR rule
- Work on refining the Norlin OD program within the ICA
- Addressing the areas of OD measurement the create questions, including
- lead, sail measurement, carbon parts etc.
- Addressing the history and rational behind the adaptive seating issues
- Continue to refine the Norlin OD measurement documents
- Find ways to add more measurers worldwide
- Support and encourage the measure of OD boats worldwide
- Any other issues as brought forward by the NCA’s
Other project for EC attention in 2017 include:
- Class growth with marketing package and other initiatives to be developed.
- Additional Builder’s licences to be investigated
Decision to adopt the proposed EC work for 2017:
Proposed – Finland; Seconded – United Kingdom, Approved by World Council
11. Decisions for NCA annual dues and budget 2017
Annual Dues
The Constitution requires that each AGM shall adopt the annual dues for the coming year. Dues were raised to 12 Euro at the 2013 AGM. Dues to remain at 12 Euro per member for 2017.
Australia questioned dues rate with excessive ICA reserve balance of 46,527.76 euros. World Council agreed that significant spending on class growth is required so dues to remain at 12 euros with reserve expenditure on marketing.
Decision to retain dues at 12 Euro per member:
Proposed – Finland; Seconded – United Kingdom, Approved by World Council
2017 Budget
The World Council acknowledged the 2017 Budget – refer Attachment 13.
World Council agreed to approve 2017 Budget subject to Executive Committee review of class development options to address excessive ICA reserve balance and promote class growth.
Decision to accept 2017 Budget:
Proposed – Finland; Seconded – United Kingdom, Approved by World Council
12. Adjournment
The 2017 2.4mR ICA Annual General Meeting ended at 10.00pm
Attachment 3:
Report from the President – 2017-05-24
The Executive Committee for 2016 was made up of Bruce Millar (CAN) president, Rikard Bjurstrom (FIN) vice president, Timothy Ripley (USA) secretary, Cor de Graaff (NED) director, and Heiko Kroger (GER) director. Meetings were held via Skype.
The 2016 AGM
The 2016 AGM was supposed to be held in Hobart (AUS) in conjunction with the Worlds 2016. Because of the lack of representatives present a quorum could not be established and the AGM 2016 was held as an electronic AGM at April 15th 2016.
The Paralympic Games
The Paralympic Games was held in Rio de Janeiro in good sailing conditions with excellent arrangements. The Paralympic gold medalist was Damien Seguin (FRA) followed by Matt Bugg (AUS) and Helena Lucas (GBR). 16 countries had qualified for the Paralympics representing all continents. The 2.4 mR is well spread all over the World but need more countries to participate in high level competition in order to get sailing reinstated into the Paralympic Games in 2024.
Charger Technology – Edge Sailing
Commercial manufacturing 2.4 mRs or Norlin OD boats was for a short period down because of Charger Composites bankruptcy but started again in spring 2016. Because a commercial manufacturer is a must in order to be able to promote 2.4 mR sailing the EC wanted also another manufacturer on the American continent. Such a manufacturer was found in Edge Sailing with Tony Pocklington that now are producing 2.4 mRs for the American market.
Class Operations and Participation
The class continues to be stable in its operations. A number of meetings have been held with members of the EC and TC. There are no major updates to either the class rules or constitutional matters. As a small class we need to have more participation for our membership with both running the class and its activities. A number of people have complained that the class web site does not have many updates. This is because we need more members to submit articles for the site.
Another issue we continue to face along with other classes is the need for more measurers worldwide. Most of the current measures tend to be older but we need all countries to seek out people that can help serve the needs of the class across all counties. If you know of someone who might want to be involved ask them to get in touch with the local class association or the Technical Committee. Without these important people it will be difficult to grow the class.
With the cancelling of Paralympic Sailing the class is doing our best to form stronger ties to World Sailing. We have been in support of a number of initiatives to help world sailing increase the number of countries participating in disabled sailing. A congratulations to Heiko and all the German organization that are working very hard to be both organized and flexible for this year’s Para World Championships. So far 40 counties have signed up and it very well might be the tipping point that gets sailing re-instated into the games for 2024.
Stepping Down
This AGM will mark the end of my service to the class as president. Although I have enjoyed my time working with all of the committee members and others I feel it is time for me to move on. I have found myself less enthusiastic and that to me is a sign that we need some new blood to carry on. I continue to own 2 boats and love sailing in this class. I will focus my energies at home in North America for the next few years building the class at home.
Thank you all for your support.
Principle International Regattas.
2016 | Entries | Nations |
2016 World Championships (Hobart AUS) | 32 | 4 |
Paralympics Rio de Janeiro (BRA) (2.4) | 16 | 16 |
European Championships (Bordeaux France) | 43 | 12 |
Medemblik 2016 | 30 | 19 |
Kieler Woche 2016 | 34 | 8 |
Hyeres 2016 | 19 | 10 |
UK Sail for Gold 2016 | 0 | 0 |
Miami 2016 | 11 | 5 |
Sail Melbourne 2016 | 15 | 8 |
Princess Sofia 2016 | 16 | 9 |
ISAF 2.4mR Plaques Issued
2015 = 37 2016 = 23
Items of note in 2016
- Small fleet at 2016 Worlds in Hobart
- Charger Technologies has built 20 boats in 2016.
- ISAF is now World Sailing
- World Sailing continues to work on Para Sailing reinstatement
- Para World sailing looking for reinstatement for 2024 Games
- Charger Technology manufacture Norlin OD in Europe
- Edge Sailing manufacture Norlin OD in North America
- Procedure outlined on Class web site for Norlin OD Certificates.
- Revised Norlin OD measurement forms (June 2017)
Bruce Millar (Canada)
International 2.4mR Class President
Attachment 4:
Report from the Treasurer
Attachment 5:
Report from the Auditor
2016 International 2.4mR Class Association Financial Review
I have reviewed the financial statements of the International 2.4mR Class Association including the income statement and balance sheet for the year ended December 31, 2016 and other explanatory information. My review was made in accordance with generally accepted standards and, accordingly, consisted primarily of enquiry, analytical procedures, and discussion related to information supplied to me by the Class Association.
A review does not constitute an audit and, consequently I do not express and audit opinion on these financial statements.
Based on my review, nothing has come to my attention that causes me to believe that these financial statements are not, in all material respects, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for non-profit organizations.
Stacie Louttit, Certified Public Accountant June 26, 2017
Comments on the 2016 Reserve Balance to the International 2.4mR Board of Directors
In addition to the above review, I have the following comments regarding the excess reserve balance of 46 527,76 euros for the year ending December 31, 2016. Given the annual operating budget of 14 400 euros, I would suggest that the current account balance may be excessive. In Canada for example, accumulating surplus funds in excess of current operating needs may affect an association’s status as a tax-exempt non-profit organization.
The appropriate cash reserve amount for a non-profit depends on the specific circumstances. Many guidelines suggest that appropriate reserves range from six months to two years of operating expenses.
As the Board of Directors is responsible to ensure that there are sufficient funds available to support current program activities and to plan appropriately for the future, you should look carefully at current and future needs and the possible liabilities that could arise. You should look at your day to day operating risks, your capital asset needs (such as new equipment or special projects) in the next few years, as well as other risks to revenue or potential unexpected expenses). This should help guide a decision as to an appropriate reserve target which will most likely be in the six months to two years of operating expenses range.
Stacie Louttit, Certified Public Accountant June 27, 2017
Attachment 6:
Report from the Chairman of the Technical Committee – 2017-05-17
TC Activities
The TC had limited number of meetings in the period form the AGM 2016 to end of 2016. During 2017 the routine the committee is back to its routine with regular monthly meetings.
A consequence of the new release of the World Sailing Equipment Rules has been analyzed. The TC have found that to keep the current interpretation of our rules, some changes to our rule has to be made. Those changes will be introduced in a new release of the OD rule and submitted to World Sailing for the 2.4mR rule. The EC have found that those changes does not have to pass an AGM as it’s not a change of the intention of the rule, but only to align with the latest Equipment Rules.
Processes instructions and documentation for measurement and certification of both classes has been clarified updated and uploaded to the home page.
Assessment of proposed updates to building procedures has been made followed by agreement with builder.
Proposed rule changes have been analysed and recommendations presented to the class.
Stellan Berlin, SWE 379
Chairman of the 2.4mR Technical Committee.
Attachment 13:
Proposed Budget 2017
Projected Income | |
ISAF Plaques (20) | 2800 |
OD Fees (20) | 8000 |
Member Subscriptions (300) | 3600 |
TOTAL | 14400 |
Projected Expenses | |
Marketing | 4000 |
OD Royalties (20) | 5300 |
Webmaster | 600 |
Bank Costs | 200 |
ISAF Class Subs | 300 |
Para Support | 2000 |
ISAF Conference | 1000 |
Profit/Deficit | 0 |
TOTAL | 14400 |