Boats must hold a Valid Buoyancy Certificate to race in any event. This includes Canadian and USA 2.4mR class events. This is covered in class rule B 4.3.
Certificates are valid for a maximum of 5 years from the date of a test.
How to obtain or renew a Buoyancy Certificate
- You must be a current member of the Canadian 2.4mR class (ie have paid your class dues for the current year)
- Contact a Canadian class measurer for the name and contact information of a class authorized person who can supervise the buoyancy test in accordance with the class rule C5.2 b
- Upon completion of a satisfactory buoyancy test, a certificate will be completed by a class authorized person and one copy will be issued to the boat owner with a second copy will be sent to and stored electronically by the Canadian chief measurer in the class records. Buoyancy certificates will be added to your measurement certificate file.
Cost of a buoyancy test:
There shall be no charge for a buoyancy test however if the measurer or class authorized person needs to travel to supervise the conduct a test they shall be reimbursed reasonable out of pocket travel costs.