Buoyancy Certificates

Sample Buoyancy CertificatePreamble:

It is critical that boats have sufficient flotation material to prevent sinking in the case of a swamping.

For Owners:

  1. A boat MUST have a VALID buoyancy certificate to be eligible to race. This is in accordance with Rule A.15 of the 2024 version open 2.4 metre class rules or Rule A.18 of the 2024 version of the 2.4 Norlin One Design Rules.
  2. A Buoyancy Certificate is valid for a maximum of five years from the date of confirmation (date of last test).
  3. It is the responsibility of the boat owner to provide a valid buoyancy certificate when required by race organizers.
  4. It is the boat owner’s responsibility to contact a qualified buoyancy certifier to arrange for a buoyancy check.
  5. The following is the contact information of qualified Canadian certifiers of 2.4 meter buoyancy tests

ICA Qualified Buoyancy Certifiers

Name Location e-mail address
Chris Anstey Victoria, BC cj_anst(at)Hotmail(dot)com
Bill Marshall Victoria, BC wjmarshall2555(at)gmail(dot)com
Dennis Woodward Victoria, BC denniswoodward(at)shaw(dot)ca
Louise Anstey Victoria, BC lanstey(dot)la(at)gmail(dot)com
Joe Gerlinsky North Battleford, SK [dot][at][dot]">joe.gerlinsky(at)gmail(dot)com
Peter Wood Ottawa, ON pwood(at)magma(dot)ca

2.4 Measurers

Name Location e-mail address
Bruce Millar Victoria, BC bruce(dot)millar(at)hotmail.com Chief Measurer
David Foscarini Toronto, ON Foscarinidavid(at)gmail(dot)com Measurer*
John Finch Hamilton, ON John(at)finch(dot)ca Measurer

*World Sailing International Measurer

For Qualified Certifiers

  1. Certifiers shall follow the procedures of either Section L of the 2024 version open 2.4 metre class rules or Section L the 2024 version of the 2.4 Norlin One Design Rules. If a boat has a builders plaque in lieu of a World Sailing or Scandinavian Sailing Association plaque under Class Rule B5 (notably older Riverside Marine or Gavia built boats) record the those details on the buoyancy certificate. If a boat has no plaque then the alternative would be to mark the date of the successful test with a permanent marker on the port side of the hull where the WS sticker is normally located. Include the initials BT (Buoyancy test) and your initials.
  2. Upon successful completion of the buoyancy check the certifier will provide the owner with a completed and dated buoyancy certificate.
  3. The certifier will provide the chief measurer with a copy of the completed buoyancy certificate for the national boat data base. (Preference being a scanned PDF copy or photograph of the buoyancy certificate).
  4. It is recommended that the certifier maintain a copy for their own records.
  5. The above people are qualified to perform the test in any country.
  6. Measurers and ICA Qualified Buoyancy Certifiers from other countries may be used if your boat needs to be tested outside of Canada.

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