Class Membership dues for 2017 are $50.00. The easiest way to pay your dues are to go to the website and fill out a Membership Form. Dues can then be paid via Paypal, our secure payment processor. If you feel uncomfortable using Paypal, please contact Audrey and she will give you instructions on paying by cheque.
What do class fees cover?
- We are required to pay an annual fee of 12 Euros per member to the International class. This insures that our rules and measurement are current and that we are represented at World Sailing
- We pay $ 100 per year to Sail Canada for class membership. This gives our class a say and a vote in Sail Canada affairs
- We own class measurement equipment and templates (which we owe some money to the class measurer)
- We have some communication expenses (website hosting, web design etc.)
- We have some banking expenses